Peldon Hall Farms | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Grain and Seed cleaning Packaging and Storage |
Peldon Hall Farms Ltd Registered Office: |
Being in a prime position, Peldon Hall is lucky enough to be able to experience a large array of wildlife spread over it's fields. On one of our farms we are fortunate to have breeding pairs of Little Egrets, which appeared and began feeding from the river and setting up home on the marshes. We were also able to take part in a wildlife survey of our land and birds were recorded within our farm boundaries. Birds such as Skylarks, Kingfishers and Barn owls were among the results. We also have one of the largest populations of Yellow Wagtails in Essex. In addition to birds, reptiles and amphibians were also recorded on our land, Great Crested Newts and Grass snakes where found to be occupying the fields and surrounding hedges.