Peldon Hall Farm  

Grain and Seed cleaning

Packaging and Storage

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Peldon Hall Farms Ltd
is a limited company registered
in England and Wales.

Registered Office:
Company No. 08222539


Grain Cleaning

Cleaning grainWe have a comprehensive selection of grain cleaning and sorting equipment. We have the privilege to use a Satake Color Sorting machine which rejects the grain, seed or Ergot that doesn't match the color of the light shined upon it.

We also use a Gravity Separation table which sorts the grain and seed to a high level. The Color sorter removes Ergot from any crop with very little waste or with as little as 1/10th of the waste as the gravity separator.


Click on gravity table for demonstration.Video

Cleaning system


Grain Storage
We have large storage facilities capable of holding grain and seed including organic for any length of time.

Grain Cleaning
Using up-to-date equipment such as our gravity separation table and colour sorter to achieve high quality grain and seed.

The Laboratory
We have a fully equiped laboratory capable of testing many types of seed and grain for most purposes.

 Grain Processes
Follow our process guide to see what we do with loads that come into us.